Panoramic Tour - Der Wanderstab

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Panoramic Tour

Routes > Teno-Mountains

Wild flower paths and panoramic views over the valley of Masca

Wild flower paths and panoramic views over the valley of Masca On this scenic rich walk we discover the impressive nature landscape of the Teno mountains. A curved rock path leads us to the mountainous region of the small and big Galas. Alternating the pass goes one time through the rich Erika-Laurel-forest, another time it passes flower rich meadows at the border of an alpine pasture. Meanwhile we always stay at the most beautiful points with the view onto the picturesque mountain village of Masca. We stop at a typical bodega in the colorful valley of El Palmar.

Tour 1

3,5 - 4 h
260 m up
490 m down
9:30 h
42,- €

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