Prices - Der Wanderstab

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We pick you up with our bus from the hotel or a nearby meeting point (within Puerto de la Cruz). So you can enjoy your breakfast in peace and then go on a walk with us.

Prices include bus!!!

Tour 3


36,- €

Tour 4, 5


39,- €

Tour 1,2,6 -12, 15, 18


42,- €

Tour 13, 14, 17
49,- €
Tour 16 Teide peak
56,- € + 27,- € cable car
For all tours a advance booking is necessary

We need your name, including location, hotel, room number
and a valid phone number on site.

If you have your hotel in the south, you can enjoy our walks up to the Teide Mountains (16) and others. Please call us and we explain you how to come to our meeting point and where we begin.

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